1. Downsizing movie review & film summary (2017) - Roger Ebert
The film takes place in an era not too far in the future when a group of scientists in Norway have figured out a way to shrink human beings into five-inch-tall ...
Alexander Payne's Downsizing starts with an intriguing "What if?...", the launch pad of all good sci-fi stories, and very quickly devolves into a bland story about a nondescript khaki-wearing guy who learns to care about the less-fortunate.

2. Downsizing | Rotten Tomatoes
Downsizing Pictures · 301 Reviews · Official Clip - Human Extinction
Mild-mannered therapist Paul Safranek and his wife, Audrey, decide to undergo a process in which scientists shrink people down to miniature size to live in small communities. The irreversible procedure allows the people to gain wealth and a life of leisure while helping to cut down on the consumption of natural resources. As Paul gets to know his new neighbors and surroundings, he soon learns that living in a tiny suburb comes with its own set of huge problems.
3. Downsizing Ending Explained - Screen Rant
6 nov 2023 · Safranek struggles to adjust to his new life until he meets Tran, a woman who was downsized against her will. As the two begin to fall in love ...
Paul Safranek learned to make a happy choice.

4. Downsizing takes the dullest path through a brilliant premise
14 sep 2017 · It starts out as a movie about a technological change that alters the fabric of the world, and it ends up with Matt Damon.
It starts out as a movie about a technological change that alters the fabric of the world, and it ends up with Matt Damon
5. Let's Get Small: Reckoning with "Downsizing"
14 okt 2023 · The film stars Matt Damon as Paul Safranek, an occupational therapist struggling to get his head above financial water. He and his wife (Kristen Wiig) accept a ...
"Look, you don't understand. There was shrinkage!"

6. Review: Downsizing - Film Comment
Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) is exactly one of those “working-class Americans,” but he's not nearly as malicious as you've been led to believe—he's an ...
(Alexander Payne, Country/Distributor: USA, Paramount, Opened December 22)

7. 'Downsizing': Film Review | Venice 2017 - The Hollywood Reporter
30 aug 2017 · Captivating, funny and possessed of a surprise-filled zig-zag structure that makes it impossible to anticipate where it's headed, this is a ...
Alexander Payne's 'Downsizing,' which opened the Venice Film Festival, stars Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig as a husband and wife who shrink themselves in order to simplify their lives.

8. Downsizing review – Matt Damon micro-utopia fantasy is only a small ...
25 jan 2018 · It takes place in Omaha, Payne's creative homeland of American ordinariness and nagging discontent. Matt Damon plays Paul Safranek, an ...
Alexander Payne takes us down the rabbit hole of miniaturisation for a blisteringly brilliant film overwhelmed by its own implications

9. Downsizing Movie Review | Common Sense Media
19 jun 2024 · Parents need to know that Downsizing is a sci-fi comedy about a man (Matt Damon) who undergoes an experimental process: being shrunk down to ...
Overlong sci-fi comedy has a heavy message, mature content. Read Common Sense Media's Downsizing review, age rating, and parents guide.

10. Downsizing review: Matt Damon stars in an audacious, uneven sci-fi fable
21 dec 2017 · The premise of Downsizing is a great one: Scientists in Norway come up with the technology to reduce humans safely and efficiently down to about ...
It’s kind of amazing it even exists.

11. Downsizing review – little point - The Guardian
28 jan 2018 · Downsizing posits a future in which humans can choose to shrink themselves to approximately 5in in height. It's sold as the ultimate in environmental altruism.
Matt Damon and director Alexander Payne squander the comic potential of this unwieldy high-concept satire

12. 'Downsizing' Review: Matt Damon Is Small and Also Boring - The Atlantic
22 dec 2017 · Asbjørnsen (Rolf Lassgård) invents a way to shrink people to a height of about five inches, presenting his discovery to the world as a way to ...
In Alexander Payne’s satirical sci-fi comedy, humans shrink themselves to save the planet, find meaning, and enjoy tiny cigars.

13. Downsizing (2017) - Movie Review - Alternate Ending
4 jan 2018 · It's symptomatic of the greatest single problem with the screenplay, written by Payne and his former writing partner Jim Taylor many years ago ( ...
Downsizing - Movie review by film critic Tim Brayton

14. Downsizing (2017) directed by Alexander Payne - Letterboxd
A kindly occupational therapist undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a ...
A kindly occupational therapist undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time.