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23 Aug 2023
- Turkish
Quality Point(s): 154
Answer: 65
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English (US)
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23 Aug 2023
Featured answer
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 39308
Answer: 8824
Like: 6635
Feet is the plural of foot.
One foot, 2 feet, 3 feet, etc.
Something one foot long is 12 inches.
Something 2 feet long is 24 inches.
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23 Aug 2023
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 39308
Answer: 8824
Like: 6635
Feet is the plural of foot.
One foot, 2 feet, 3 feet, etc.
Something one foot long is 12 inches.
Something 2 feet long is 24 inches.
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23 Aug 2023
- Turkish
Quality Point(s): 154
Answer: 65
Like: 47
@Kellyne So they can be used interchangeably in measurement? Or you don't say "1 feet", but "1 foot"?
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23 Aug 2023
- Turkish
Quality Point(s): 154
Answer: 65
Like: 47
@Kellyne An actor I know once said that his character was 4 foot tall in an interview. So is that incorrect to use it that way?
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24 Aug 2023
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 39308
Answer: 8824
Like: 6635
So there is an exception to the rule: if it is an adjective, then you always use “foot.” (Nouns used as adjectives are pretty much always singular). For example, “I play a 4 foot tall guy.” But you would say, “The guy I play is 4 feet tall.”
You might occasionally hear “foot” used instead of “feet” even when it’s not an adjective, but that is technically incorrect. It should be “feet” whenever you are talking about more than one.
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