ClemFan2012·3/7/2015in Character Discussion
I'm sure someone has asked this question but I'll ask it again anyway. How do you all think Regina killed Kurt? I would say she ripped his heart out but at that time there was no magic in Storybrooke so I assume she killed him another way. One theory is she could have shot him. What do you all think?
(Edited by ClemFan2012)
Regina Mills
ClemFan2012 wrote:
CoolDudeAl wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
CoolDudeAl wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
8Rob wrote:Or maybeshe told Graham to do it, using his heart.
This is true also. Sorry for what I said before. I just don't like people talking down to me like I'm stupid just because I don't remember every little detail.
I don't think 8Rob is talking down to you. He's simply stateing facts about the show.
Sorry to disagree but I know when someone is talking down to me saying I'm stupid. He sat there and took the time to state every little detail about how there was magic in Storybrooke at the time Regina killed Kurt. The question I asked was nothing about magic I said was there was no magic in Storybrooke at the time so don't tell me he wasen't trying to say I was stupid or slow. Bullshit!
I still think your seeing things where there is nothing, he wasn't saying you were stupid or slow, he was simply pointing out your statement was wrong. There was some magic that has been shown in SB prior to the curse being broken by Emma, and he was providing examples. Maybe he could have handled the pointing it out better, but I don't think the intention was to belittle you. Also, written communication takes out many of the non-verbal cues we use to assess these kinds of things, so I think you need to calm down and stop being rude to him.
Also I did apologize to him which I should not have and I don't know why you even got involved in the conversation this was not about you. The argument was over then you had to voice your opinion which dosen't make things any better. So for now on anything I post just ignore it unless it has something to do with the topic. Thanks.
(Edited by ClemFan2012)
8Rob wrote:
There was no magic and yet Regina used Graham's heart as a walkie-talkie in that episode... so whatever... There is a gigantic plot hole about Storybrooke having no magic before 1x22:
-Graham being alive without his heart
-Regina controlling Graham with the heart
-Regina and Jefferson opening the hat's portal
-Storybrooke cloaking spell
-Time being frozen
-Sleeping curse working on Henry after eating the apple turnover
-Regina preparing a forgetting potion after adopting Henry
All of this requires magic... so there was magic in Storybrooke before 1x22.
There was magic, but magic could not be created ex novo. Obviously the Curse mantained itself magically, and as said multiple times, enchanted objects brought along from FTL (hearts, ingredients for potions) retained their magic. See? No big plot hole there.;)
(Edited by GothicNarcissus)
ClemFan2012 wrote: ClemFan2012 wrote: CoolDudeAl wrote: ClemFan2012 wrote: CoolDudeAl wrote: ClemFan2012 wrote: 8Rob wrote:Or maybeshe told Graham to do it, using his heart. This is true also. Sorry for what I said before. I just don't like people talking down to me like I'm stupid just because I don't remember every little detail. I don't think 8Rob is talking down to you. He's simply stateing facts about the show. Sorry to disagree but I know when someone is talking down to me saying I'm stupid. He sat there and took the time to state every little detail about how there was magic in Storybrooke at the time Regina killed Kurt. The question I asked was nothing about magic I said was there was no magic in Storybrooke at the time so don't tell me he wasen't trying to say I was stupid or slow. Bullshit! I still think your seeing things where there is nothing, he wasn't saying you were stupid or slow, he was simply pointing out your statement was wrong. There was some magic that has been shown in SB prior to the curse being broken by Emma, and he was providing examples. Maybe he could have handled the pointing it out better, but I don't think the intention was to belittle you. Also, written communication takes out many of the non-verbal cues we use to assess these kinds of things, so I think you need to calm down and stop being rude to him. Also I did apologize to him which I should not have and I don't know why you even got involved in the conversation this was not about you. The argument was over then you had to voice your opinion which dosen't make things any better. So for now on anything I post just ignore it unless it has something to do with the topic. Thanks.
(Edited by CoolDudeAl)
CoolDudeAl wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
CoolDudeAl wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
CoolDudeAl wrote:
ClemFan2012 wrote:
8Rob wrote:Or maybeshe told Graham to do it, using his heart.
This is true also. Sorry for what I said before. I just don't like people talking down to me like I'm stupid just because I don't remember every little detail.
I don't think 8Rob is talking down to you. He's simply stateing facts about the show.
Sorry to disagree but I know when someone is talking down to me saying I'm stupid. He sat there and took the time to state every little detail about how there was magic in Storybrooke at the time Regina killed Kurt. The question I asked was nothing about magic I said was there was no magic in Storybrooke at the time so don't tell me he wasen't trying to say I was stupid or slow. Bullshit!
I still think your seeing things where there is nothing, he wasn't saying you were stupid or slow, he was simply pointing out your statement was wrong. There was some magic that has been shown in SB prior to the curse being broken by Emma, and he was providing examples. Maybe he could have handled the pointing it out better, but I don't think the intention was to belittle you. Also, written communication takes out many of the non-verbal cues we use to assess these kinds of things, so I think you need to calm down and stop being rude to him.
Also I did apologize to him which I should not have and I don't know why you even got involved in the conversation this was not about you. The argument was over then you had to voice your opinion which dosen't make things any better. So for now on anything I post just ignore it unless it has something to do with the topic. Thanks.
This is a public space. You can't have private conversations and expect everyone to just ignore it. And it's funny how I don't know and understand you, but you know and understand 8Rob perfectly. That's awfully hypocritical of you. But I have nothing else to say, I know I'm not going to get anywhere anyway.
Sorry you are just stupid talking about how I understand 8Rob but you don't understand me? What the hell? Like I said before go on somewhere I didn't ask for your opinion on the argument. It was already over and done with. If they day comes where I need someone to help me with an argument I'll be sure to call on you. the world's nosiest person.
(Edited by ClemFan2012)
^this is my favorite thread i've read in weeks. i'm dying
(Edited by Theauthorforsure)
Come on people, seriously, how did this turn from a thread about Regina killing Kurt Flynn, to a two day argument over commenter's intent?
(Edited by MyPretties)
Theauthorforsure wrote:^this is my favorite thread i've read in weeks. i'm dying
Well at least we are entertaining someone. LOL! It's not how I intended for this article to go but some people just don't know when to LET IT GO. LOL!
(Edited by ClemFan2012)
I think Regina is channeling her anger into this thread. The power of True Hate!
(Edited by Eskaver)
Eskaver wrote:I think Regina is channeling her anger into this thread. The power of True Hate!
LOL! I think so. It's one of her spells. LOL! I think I should put a little warning above saying this article has nothing to do with the question asked and this page will bring out the worst in you. LOL!
(Edited by ClemFan2012)
ClemFan2012 wrote:
Theauthorforsure wrote:^this is my favorite thread i've read in weeks. i'm dying
Well at least we are entertaining someone. LOL! It's not how I intended for this article to go but some people just don't know when to LET IT GO. LOL!
Well, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. But I agree, I'm glad someone is entertained, and you do get props for working in the Frozen reference.:P lol
(Edited by CoolDudeAl)
What do you think?